Regular Giving

Help the local community access safe clean water, education, health care and the means to generate their own income.
Support the Project and you'll be helping them, their family and their whole community. You will see how you are helping through annual updates and our newsletter. By becoming a supporter you will make all the difference to the life of a child in Shonda.

One of the schools students

Learning Can Be Fun

Regular Giving

Over 80% of the money raised annually is used to fund teachers salaries. As you can imagine, this is quite a commitment, as the teachers livelihoods depend on us being able to send funds each and every month. Whilst buildings and materials etc are important too, we have determined with the school that if we are serious about improving the education of the Shonda children then supporting consistent, high quality teaching is the key. This is where regular giving comes in. Without the ongoing commitment of our supporters this would be an impossibility.
For the first ten years of the charity, we ran a successful child sponsorship scheme, linking donors with individual children. This has now been replaced with a regular giving scheme, so that in addition to funding the teachers’ salaries, the headteacher can decide how to support individual children and families to attend school as need arises. We produce a newsletter at least once a year which we send out to donors, and also place on this website.

There are several ways that you can give regularly to Shonda. Most of our 75 regular givers donate direct from their bank via a standing order, usually either monthly or annually. Others chose to send a cheque each year, for which we are also very grateful.

As a guide, the cost of a teacher’s salary for one month is about £80 and so many people chose to pay £80 a year to support this. Many people give more than this, for which we are extremely grateful. Whatever you can afford, you can be assured that it makes a big difference to the children in Kenya.

If you would like to donate by cheque please send us your cheque, payable to The Shonda Project, to the address below. If you would like to donate by standing order through your bank, and simply download and complete the form below and pass this to your bank to process. send us an email, and we will send you a standing order form.

Please return any correspondence to:
Mr Rob Gittins, West End, West Overton, Marlborough SN8 4ER