Making it happen ... fund raisingThe Shonda Project is only able to support the people of Shonda because of the generosity of individuals and groups across the country. Neighbourhood recycling service ... raising hundreds of pounds Sarah Pocock, a Year 12 student at St John's School, Marlbororough, offers to collect her neighbours recycling and take it to the recycling centre in return for a small donation to the Shonda Project. For the past three or 4 years, every month or so Sarah hands over a bag of coins, usually between £60 and £80, or to put it another way enough to pay most of a teachers salary for a month! Good one Sarah. Sandcross School 'Book Harvest' and dressing up as scarecrows ... raised £320 From a list of projects (see ?) the children chose three projects - Sports and games, Music Festival and Class trips. The children then held a "Book Harvest" and dressed as scarecrows. The children raised £320 so they reached the target for those projects - well done Sandcross School. St Mary's Church, Marlborough ... sustained help over many years DONATIONS FROM ST.MARY’S CHURCH and members of the congregation since 2000 have enabled… A well to be built with serves the school and the wider community and beyond. The fresh water supply has helped keep the children hydrated enabling them to concentrate better and improved school attendance. Regular hand washing is now part of life at the school and less children are absent from school with diarrhoea and headaches. Funding towards maintaining the school feeding programme - without which some children would have nothing to eat all day Funding for the children and music teachers to compete in the local and national music festival - some years coming in the top 4 of the national competition. An amazing achievement! Improvements to the school buildings - refurbishment and new classrooms Support for educational field trips for some children last year – this event was more than they could ever have imagined! It was a real community occasion with parents working together to provide a picnic lunch and a ride on a bus together was probably as exciting as seeing the animals in the safari park! A real treat for the pupils and teachers. It’s hard to imagine that without your help, these children would not have seen the great animals of their homeland. Mustard Seed, Cafe and Christian Bookshop, Marlborough ... raising money to bring electricity to the school This was very successful resulting in the school being wired for electricty allowing a brighter environment for learning, the opportunity to extend the teaching day and supported the introduction of their first computer. By Admin at 14/03/2009 - 16:38