The Woods family visit Shonda

In August 2011 the Woods family from Marlborough (David and Liz, Matt 16, Chris 14, Hannah and Jonny 11) visited St John’s school in Shonda

The Woods family meet teachers and staff at St John's

“Prior to our trip, an appeal was sent out through our school (Pinewood Prep School, Bourton ) to collect clothing, sports equipment, musical instruments, toys calculators and basic medicines, and after an overwhelming response, 90kg of donated goods were delivered by hand and distributed to the children, who had turned up at school even though it was their holidays to receive us as guests.

School uniforms from Pinewood School were well received!

We had a fantastic time meeting and talking to the children and teachers, giving Human Biology and Music lessons, teaching them cricket, and receiving lessons in return in how to speak Kiswahili, to play football at pace, and to sing the Kenyan national anthem.

A first for St John's - cricket!

Liz takes a recorder lesson

We also had a chance to walk around the village and get an idea of the way the villagers lived and their needs.
As a result we have come away with ideas on helping with projects to provide tools for the quarry, bicycles, a pump for the well, and playground equipment for the school, in addition to the educational aspects of support for the school”

We held a presentation and slide show of our trip for the Headmaster, friends and parents at Pinewood and there has been a very positive response to get involved with the Shonda project. What form this takes is in the process of development, but exciting times ahead!